by admin | Oct 27, 2021 | Word Of Dan
(This post is a work in progress, but I wanted to post it to get the info out there.) I have stage 4 unresectable pancreas ductal adenocarcinoma. In September 2018 when I was diagnosed, my life expectancy was 3 to 6 months with treatment. This site is about my long...
by Daniel Peterson | Sep 19, 2021 | Other, Uncategorized, Word Of Dan
Numbness and tingling in the fingers and toes, also called peripheral neuropathy, is common in pancreatic cancer patients. It can be caused by the diabetes we almost always end up with, as well as the chemo drugs we use to combat the cancer. When I started to have the...
by Daniel Peterson | Sep 16, 2021 | Word Of Dan
One of the things I often hear is that after a cancer diagnosis, many peoples first reaction is to totally quit their job, and/or other projects. Saying “I’ll need to rest, and take it easy” But that can be counter productive. If you really...
by Daniel Peterson | Sep 10, 2021 | Word Of Dan
In July 2018, I had some blood work done for some insurance, everything looked fine except for one of my liver numbers was elevated. According to the nurse, the result was something they often see in people who drink regularly for many years, but I rarely drink....
by Daniel Peterson | Sep 10, 2021 | Uncategorized, Word Of Dan
I am here today thanks to those who came before me, my wife, my family, my friends, my clinic staff, my doctors, and PubMed. One of the first posts I read that gave me hope and direction was a writeup of a patient that instead of the typical 6 months of chemo, he just...