Treatment is all experimental now! He’s getting the same dose of Gemcitabine mixed with two new “off label” drugs. So far he’s tolerated the new drugs pretty well, let’s see what happens when we mix in some ☠.


Today was Chemo #71. It’s been nearly a month since his last treatment and a break is a hard thing to accept for Danny. If he’s not poisoning it, he’s not fighting it. The insurance approval for the new medication is taking longer than a sloth at the DMV so today was...


It’s been a whole month since his last chemotherapy. But he’s had radiation during his “break”. When he was cooking his pancreas, he was researching new drugs in this battle. There are some he and his oncology team are trying to get approval for, just got to work...


Chemo 69! A year and a half of treatments with no companions allowed. These poor cancer patients are suffering without their support systems. This is Danny’s last treatment for a few weeks but it’s not a rest! He’s jumping right into radiation again. Once that is...